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Spreading Joy: Supporting Outreach Angels in the S …

As part of our Food Bank Fridays: Spreading Joy Campaign, our commitment to positively impacting our community remains unwavering. This year, we are delighted to announce our continued support for Outreach Angels, a charity that holds a special place in our hearts.

One of the ways we’ve contributed to this noble cause is by sponsoring the Christmas Dinner for Outreach Angels. We believe that sharing a warm meal during the festive season is a simple yet powerful way to bring joy and comfort to those in need. However, our dedication to making a difference continues beyond there.

Extending a Helping Hand: In addition to our financial support, we are eager to amplify the message of Outreach Angels and help them reach even more people. Inspired by the selflessness of volunteers for this remarkable charity, we recognise the importance of spreading awareness.

Community Involvement: Volunteering enriches the lives of those being served and creates a sense of unity within the community. By actively promoting Outreach Angels, we hope to inspire others to join the cause and contribute their time and efforts toward making a positive impact.

Why Outreach Angels?
Outreach Angels is a beacon of hope for many struggling individuals and families. The organisation’s dedication to providing support, especially during the holiday season, aligns perfectly with our values. By supporting Outreach Angels, we aim to create a ripple effect of kindness that extends beyond our immediate community.

In the true spirit of the season, our support for Outreach Angels reflects our commitment to fostering a compassionate and caring community. By working together to promote and assist this worthy cause, we can make a lasting impact and bring a ray of hope to those who need it most. Let this holiday season remind us that we can create a world where kindness and generosity prevail by supporting each other.

Find out more about the work of the OUTREACH ANGELS here.

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